Cloud computing is becoming more popular than ever as businesses embrace data-driven business models, remote and flexible work environments, and global supply networks. New capabilities and deployment patterns continue to emerge, giving organizations of all sizes and industries more options ...
WhatisWhatis Latest Articles
Career in Machine Learning – Hopes and Prospects for new professionals?
This is a very well-written article on the business side of starting a career in Machine Learning – this will make you see the other half of what it takes to be successful as a Data Scientist or Machine Learning ...
8 Ways to Accelerate Your Journey Into Data Science
Learning the basics of data science is a must for some people. However, you also need to know how to start this journey in the right way so that nothing will hold you back from reaching your full potential and ...
Technology and Education or Curriculum? Is it time to eliminate the ‘Or’?
We live in an era where technology is so intertwined in our lives that we cannot think of surviving without our android phones, laptops and home assistants. In AI Superpowers, Kai-Fu Lee, the once-president of Google China, writes, “By 2025, ...
Best Hearing Aids Technology in 2019-20?
The Hearing Aids technology has made some astounding progress since making ear models for the first time during the 1960s and 1970s. Truth be told, you will remember what part of these gadgets were: huge, cumbersome, beige and fully receptive. ...