Online shopping means being able to buy whatever you want from the comfort of your home – no waiting in lines, no crowded places, and no wasting time. That’s why it’s become so popular! However, while online shopping has all ...
WhatisWhatis Latest Articles
How Retailers Can Help Shoppers During Corona Outbreak?
The COVID-19 outbreak has rendered a lot of plans dysfunctional for individuals and businesses alike There has been a sharp decrease in sales and revenues in most of the industries while few industries have seen growth. Nonetheless, this is a ...
The advent and blooming of Instagram shopping to bolster your business
Prabhakar Atla
Previously, you had Instagram marketing confined to branded content and posts. With the advent of influencer marketing, you had the addition to IG stories. This is where and how brands discovered another pathway to market their products. IGTV has been ...
10 Most Common Online Shopping Stores to Buy Men and Women’s Clothes
hemamanral1992As the internet continues to explode in terms of user-base over the past decade, E-commerce websites have witnessed a significant rise in their popularity figures. But which retail websites really are the consumers top choices? Similar Web, an online portal ...
How to Access the Most Effective Mystery Shopping Service for Your Brand?
What consumers are thinking about the product/service in real-time? Doesn’t an adept answer to this question remains the prime pursuit of your business irrespective of the niche it belongs to? And indeed, the closer to the truth you can get ...