The Microsoft .NET Framework is the technology on which all other Microsoft technologies will be built in the future, and it is the foundation for all of them. It is a significant technological development implemented by Microsoft to capture market ...
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Top 100+ .Net Core Interview Questions and Answers
Prabhakar Atla
What is .NET Core? .NET Core is an open-source system that is free to use. It is a framework of managed computer software framework created for all kinds of operating systems such as Linux, Windows, and Mac. It was made as ...
Top Reasons Why .Net Core with Angular is a Great Mix for Web App Development
.Net Core is the latest .NET framework from Microsoft, and Angular is one of the most popular frameworks for web development, so why not combine them? This article will outline some of the top reasons why .Net Core + Angular ...
What is Web Design Language and Why You Need Them?
You have probably come across phrases like HTML, CSS, and Java. You find articles referring to them as web design languages. Honestly, it can be quite confusing. Couple it with code writing and design aspects, and it all becomes gibberish. ...