Social media privacy concerns rise every day due to the large user base on these platforms and the increasing risk of cybersecurity threats. Facebook had nearly 2.96 billion monthly active users (MAUs) worldwide in the fourth quarter of 2022, while ...
WhatisWhatis Latest Articles
List of the Best 10 Minutes Grocery Delivery Apps
People use feature-rich grocery shopping applications because they can quickly generate shopping lists for supplies when necessary. People who don’t have the opportunity to shop around will definitely appreciate online grocery order apps. For people who can’t pick up their ...
Top 10 Challenges Faced by iOS App Developers in 2022
The world has changed a lot in the last few years. We are now living in an era of globalization and technological advancement, which has led us to have more access to information than ever before. The internet has become ...
How Flutter App Development is Revolutionizing UI/UX?
Flutter App Development is getting increasingly popular worldwide. It is due to its seamless UI/UX features and robust design aspects. Millions of developers use Flutter globally to build numerous cross-platform apps for startups, enterprises, and other businesses. Reports show that ...
Why You Need To Use No-Code Builder To Convert Shopify Store To Mobile App?
No matter how small or large your business is, it’s likely that you’ve come across some difficult decisions before. Whether you should convert Shopify store to mobile app or not, it is the one that many eCom businesses are facing ...