MBA placements are a major concern among management students and placement managers across the world. Are you concerned about MBA placements after the completion of your management degree program? Are you worried about final MBA career opportunities? Are you thinking of ...
WhatisWhatis Latest Articles
Will An Online MBA Help My Career?
Vidya Patel
So, you are planning to pursue an online MBA degree or are already involved in the course and looking for the jobs that you can get after completing the course. You are at the perfect platform to get information about ...
Which Opportunities Does Distance Learning Provide?
In life, it is important to embrace change. People are often reluctant to accept change since we tend to stick to our routines. However, 2020 took the world by storm due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus. The highly contagious ...
Factors That Helps To Reinforce the Idea of Personalized Learning
When we compare the concepts and objectives of learning of the 20th century with the recent era, we can see a big difference between both of the concepts. In the 20th century, concepts of learning were dependent on the provided ...
Want To Grow Professionally? 5 Golden Rules To Build A Successful Career
Smith Johnson
Humans are a social animal, there are certain things which we tend to hate and want to change the situation, but it’s out of control & we have to act accordingly. We usually blame our deeds when something terrible happens; ...
7 Things To Do To Give Your Career A Boost It Needs And Become Successful
Shaping your future is entirely in your hands. By taking the right decisions at the right time, you can assure yourself of achieving great heights in your career. However, it requires you to follow the footsteps that can lead you ...
Education and modern technologies, their positive and negative impact
Technology a boon or a curse? Have you often heard your elders cribbing about technology, and you usually fail in relating to their words because you sometimes wonder how did people in the past era survive without technological inventions? Well, ...