The exponential growth of technological trends in today’s world can never be ignored. In fact, our generation has witnessed some of the greatest technological innovations that have transformed our lifestyles. Today, we are extremely dependent on our tech gadgets. Be ...
WhatisWhatis Latest Articles
How AI Is Gradually Making Its Way In Digital Marketing Practices?
Artificial Intelligence is no longer a new norm in the technological world. The future of AI is shiny in this technology-driven world. Today, there is not a single sector that does not leverage AI in their daily operations and making ...
How IoT is Going to Impact Cybersecurity?
Sourodip Biswas
The Internet of Things (IoT) has been growing leaps and bounds since the last few years, strongly impacting business operations and our everyday lives. In this blog, we will see in detail how IoT has and is going to influence ...
Technology and Education or Curriculum? Is it time to eliminate the ‘Or’?
We live in an era where technology is so intertwined in our lives that we cannot think of surviving without our android phones, laptops and home assistants. In AI Superpowers, Kai-Fu Lee, the once-president of Google China, writes, “By 2025, ...
How to Develop IoT Apps Using the Minimum Viable Product Method?
Smith Johnson
Building a start-up on emerging technologies can be a challenge as there are pitfalls to recover from and the risk factors that haunt the start-up progression. With the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT), the adoption of autonomous systems ...