In each job interview, there’s an important moment when the interviewer leans in and says, “Could you provide some information about yourself?” Though it might come across as ingenious, this question offers you a strategic chance to leave a lasting ...
WhatisWhatis Latest Articles
How to Add Freelance Work on a Resume?
Freelance work on a resume refers to any paid work that you have completed on a project-by-project basis, rather than as a traditional employee. Freelance work can be in a variety of industries, including writing, design, consulting, and more. Including ...
Will An Online MBA Help My Career?
Vidya Patel
So, you are planning to pursue an online MBA degree or are already involved in the course and looking for the jobs that you can get after completing the course. You are at the perfect platform to get information about ...
Does School Uniform Improve Learning Environment?
Danielle WatsonThe debates over the question of the effects of school uniform on the students’ performance has become acute. Most people think that school uniforms help in improving learning environment, because it helps the students in so many things. Although some ...
Technology and Education or Curriculum? Is it time to eliminate the ‘Or’?
We live in an era where technology is so intertwined in our lives that we cannot think of surviving without our android phones, laptops and home assistants. In AI Superpowers, Kai-Fu Lee, the once-president of Google China, writes, “By 2025, ...