With over 222 million cases worldwide and still climbing, the pandemic that is COVID-19 is still ongoing. That means that catching coronavirus is still not as unlikely as many people would hope for. You might have found yourself googling, “What ...
WhatisWhatis Latest Articles
Recently India is all set to take the single dose “Sputnik light”
Prabhakar Atla
Can Sputnik light fight against the corona? Is it much efficient with it’s one dose? Is it tested before launching? Do all such questions is also in your mind you? If yes, then you will be able to know everything ...
How to Avoid Cyberattacks During a Global Pandemic?
Millions of people all over the work are now working from home amid the outbreak of COVID-19. With this, hackers are also looking to take advantage. Indeed, a global pandemic like the COVID-19 seems to be a great chance for ...
Working from home? Follow these tips to manage your work
The world is living in a pandemic caused by a new coronavirus known as COVID-19. The disease causes a respiratory illness with symptoms ranging from cold, cough, fever, and breathing issues when it becomes severe. As there is no vaccine ...
Coronavirus: What is it? What should I do? When to see a doctor?
The whole world is suffering from a pandemic situation due to the COVID-19 virus. Today’s article is all about this new coronavirus that is a threat to mankind if they don’t consider safety measures. It has been seen that a ...