What is THC? How does it work? Is it the same with CBD? Is it effective at treating pain? Moreover, is THC an equivalent as medical cannabis? These are just a few of the questions that folks have about this compound ...
WhatisWhatis Latest Articles
How To Remove Wrinkles And Fine Lines From Your Face?
Aria Akachi
A sedentary lifestyle and lack of skincare lead to wrinkles and fine lines on your skin. But, it is never too late to get rid of wrinkles. You have to bring some changes in your lifestyle and spend some time ...
CBD Bath Bombs For A Better Sleep
The best way to relieve yourself from all the day’s stress & anxiety is a warm and relaxing bath which leaves you in experience with tranquillity. The coziest bath can lighten your mood and also relieve you from all day’s ...
Baking With CBD: Good Insights to Know
Prabhakar Atla
Many people only know of CBD (Cannabidiol) as a compound that is highly controlled by authorities in some countries. The controversy was brought by the fact that CBD comes from cannabis plants like hemp and marijuana. The latter is known ...
Kratom vs. CBD – Which One Will Give You More Benefits
Prabhakar Atla
When it comes to maintaining good health, there are medications to take care of the issue. However, owing to the manufacturing process of these medicines, many prefer to take the natural route, which includes herbs and plants. Two of these ...