Blockchain technology is slowly but surely making its way into various industries. One industry that has been particularly keen on adopting this technology is the telecommunications sector. So, why are telecom companies adopting blockchain technology? Reasons For Telecom Companies Adopting ...
WhatisWhatis Latest Articles
How Does Blockchain Technology Actually Work in Practice?
Prabhakar Atla
Experts predict that blockchain technologies will be worth nearly $40 billion by 2025. With incredible numbers like that, it’s only natural that so many people are curious about this groundbreaking technology. But how does blockchain technology work? It’s both simpler ...
What You Should Know About Bitcoin Before Joining an Exchange Site?
Prabhakar Atla
Bitcoin’s market cap has grown over $1 trillion, while the price has surged over $60,000 in March. This is the third time for the price of Bitcoin to reach a record-breaking price during its bull market phase. Because of this, ...
Top 10 Internet of Things (IoT) Trends That Will Rule In 2021
In this article, we discussed about the top 10 Internet of Things (IoT) trends that will rule in 2021 and in upcoming years. The world is ever-changing and progressing, and technology has become an integral part of our lives. You ...
The Theory (And Practice) Of Tokenization Everything!
The concept of tokenization isn’t new to this world! In fact, even paper currency is a token in essence because it represents the value of something it is actually not. With the blockchain revolution in the world, tokenization is all ...