If a black cat crosses your path, something bad is going to happen. This is a common myth that we used to hear from people and there is nothing true about it. The only thing that it gave us is the fear of black cats. We still hear such superstitious or mythical phrases from our elders.
Similarly, there are also some myths about pregnancy health. After contacting the best gynecologist in Rawalpindi I came to know the 5 pregnancy health myths on which people still believe in. These myths are proved wrong even scientifically.
5 Pregnancy Health Myths
If you are expecting then be aware of some of the myths that you will hear from others. Some of these myths may cause you unnecessary mental pressure which is not good for your baby’s health. Below are the 5 myths that you must know about. You can also spread awareness by sharing this blog to someone who is expecting. So, let’s get into the detail of these myths.
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Myth 1: Don’t Eat Seafood
The most common myth that people believe in is that they can’t eat seafood during pregnancy and it may lead to miscarriage which is not true. Fish like salmon is good for your body. The omega 3 fats in it help in making the brain and eye of the baby and it is also rich in vitamin D. The FDA also published the guideline regarding eating fish during pregnancy.
However, there are some fish that you have to avoid during pregnancy which include shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tuna, marlin, tilefish, and orange roughly.
All of these fishes are high mercury fishes and they have a devastating side effect on your health as well as on the health of the child. High mercury fishes can damage your lungs, kidney, and nervous system.
Besides this, also avoid eating raw fish because it can cause a bacterial infection named Listeria. Pregnant women have 10 times more chances of getting this infection. It can cause miscarriage, uterine infection, and other health-related problems for the newborn.
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Myth 2: Avoid Exercise and Exertion
Another myth about pregnancy is you cannot do exercise. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, you can do exercise even during pregnancy and it does not increase the risk of miscarriage, early birth, and low birth weight.
Exercises during pregnancy have many benefits not only for you but also for your child. It is better to keep your body moving for keeping the blood circulation in your body instead of sitting idle.
It reduces the back pain that is reported by many pregnant women. Besides this, it strengthens your heart vessels, eases constipation, and helps in managing weight. However, not all exercises are beneficial during pregnancy and you have to keep an eye on that also.
Therefore, avoid extreme exercises like contact sports and horse riding and try light exercises like walking, jogging, aqua sports, and yoga. It is better to consult with your doctor before choosing any exercise.
Myth 3: Don’t Take Hot Baths
Who does not enjoy hot baths? A hot bath is beneficial in several ways. It can lower blood sugar, improves blood circulation, and moisturizes your body. Some people have a misconception that taking a hot bath can affect the health of the baby. It is not true and you can still enjoy hot baths even during pregnancy.
However, too much temperature of your body is not good for your baby. Therefore, make sure your body’s temperature doesn’t go above 102.2°F or 39°C.
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Myth 4: Don’t Drink Coffee
If you are a person who starts her day with the cup of coffee but you are nervous about it during pregnancy then do not worry. You can still enjoy this caffeine syrup during this situation.
You can take coffee twice a day and it is totally safe as per research conducted by Sara, Gideon, and Pina.
Excess of everything is bad therefore it is important to limit the consumption of coffee. Too much coffee can leads to miscarriage.
Besides this, coffee has many other health-related downsides. It is not good for your oral health as it makes tooth enamel thin and promotes the bacteria that cause bad breath. Moreover, it also causes blood pressure related problems. Therefore try to eradicate coffee usage from your daily meal routine.
Myth 5: You Are Eating for Two
The last and most viral myth that you will hear from many people during pregnancy is “you have to eat for two, so eat as much as you want.” This statement is not totally true.
Eating healthy is important but eating too much with the conception of eating for two is not.
Eating too much results in weight gain and it would be difficult to lose weight after birth. Although it is also important to understand that everyone’s journey is different and what others did during their pregnancy is not going to suit you as well. Therefore also consult with your doctor to design a perfect meal plan for you.
Summing Up:
Your body needs special care during pregnancy however some myths can make you overanxious and can ruin your mental health. Therefore, it is important to be aware of these 5 myths so that you can take care of yourself and your baby in a good way.
Keep the following things in mind:
- Eat healthy not too much as you are not eating for two.
- Drinking coffee once or twice a day is not bad for your baby.
- Take a warm bath. It is good for your body however the temperature of the body must not be more than 102.2°F or 39°C.
- Eat seafood but make sure to avoid high mercury and raw fish. Salmon is the best fish to eat during pregnancy.
- Do light exercise like yoga, walking, and running to keep yourself healthy. However, avoid using extreme exercises.
Everyone’s pregnancy journey is different therefore it is important to consult with the doctor before trying any of the above-mentioned practices.
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