You may have come across the term, ‘article submission sites.’ What does it mean? It refers to all those websites that are available for article submissions. All digital marketers and online brand marketing companies make use of the facility to intelligently promote their brands and services through content.
What is Article Submission in SEO?
In off-page SEO techniques, article submission is an excellent way for link-building exercises. You will come across several article submission sites that take articles in the form of guest posts from the common people.
Getting your guest posts published on popular websites helps you get a quality backlink to your site or website. It also provides a platform to reach out to more audiences and readers.
What are the key benefits of Article Submission Sites?
Article submission sites can be either free or paid. Though free article submission sites are more popular, some brands also promote their brands and products through paid guest posting services.

Before opting for paid article submission services, you need to check free article submission sites where you can get your content published without any charges and quality backlinks too.
Top Benefits of Article Submission Sites:
- It drives plenty of new traffic and audience to your website.
- It can enhance your website’s DA and PA score.
- We can generate more leads.
- It improves your overall keyword ranks on SERPs.
- With a better guest posting strategy, your website will appear on top of SERPs.
- Get your content published for free.
- Get your guest post published on top-ranking websites.
- It helps to get good quality backlinks.
- When the article submission site shares your post on their social media, your article gets huge visibility.
Every site has its own terms and conditions and author guidelines to follow. You can’t get your content published without following author guidelines or their terms and conditions.
Most article sites specify these terms and conditions on their contact us page or author guidelines page.
Here are some of the major author guidelines that every author or content marketer has to follow:
- The article must be unique.
- No part of the article should be plagiarised from other online resources.
- The article has to be a minimum of 500 words. But some sites may specify a guest post word limit to be anywhere between 800 to 2000 words.
- Each article and guest post must relate to the theme of the website.
Do’s and Don’ts While Submitting Articles
When you wish to submit article on article submission sites, you have to follow certain Do’s and Dont’s.
Not adhering to these rules can lead to the rejection of your guest post and content.
The List of Do’s before Submitting Your Content:
- Share something interesting with your readers.
- Keep reading and writing about various topics.
- Make sure that you have proofread the content once before pressing the submit button.
- Write to write on subjects and themes that you love.
- Make sure your content is knowledgeable and SEO-optimised
The List of Don’ts while publishing your articles:
- Your content must be original and not plagiarised from any online or offline sources.
- Don’t use highfalutin words and fancy terms in your article.
- Don’t use too many passive voices in the article.
- Write an SEO-optimised article, but don’t think too much about it.
How to submit article on the article submission sites?
The process of submitting any content to article submission sites is simple. Just follow their author guidelines and terms and conditions and submit your content.
If they have an option for registration, then try to register on their website, verify your account details, add your bio details, and then submit your article for review with good quality content by following website guidelines.
Know more: Why On-Page SEO Is As Important As The Off-Page?
Some websites take around 10-15 days to get a blog post published. So, you need to be patient throughout that period.
Top 100+ High DA Article Submission Websites List in 2022
Here is a list of the top 100+ high DA (Domain Authority) article submission websites in 2022 to increase your organic traffic and keyword positions in SERP (Search Engine Result Pages).
Free 650+ Article Submission Sites List in 2022 To Rank Higher in Search Engines
Here is the 650+ free article submission sites list in 2022 to increase your organic traffic and keyword ranking positions in SERP (Search Engine Result Pages).
S no | Sites | DA |
1 | 101articles.Com | 12 |
2 | 123articleonline.Com | 37 |
3 | 1articleworld.Com | 27 |
4 | 1st-In-Articles.Com | 15 |
5 | 24by7articles.Com | 21 |
6 | 365articles.Com | 20 |
7 | 60degree.Com | 25 |
8 | 911-Essay.Com | 23 |
9 | A1articles.Com | 33 |
10 | A1articles.Org | 26 |
11 | Aardvarkarticles.Net | 16 |
12 | Abilogic.Com | 55 |
13 | Abpnews.Tech | 12 |
14 | Academia.Edu | 93 |
15 | Accessibleinsights.Com | 14 |
16 | Accessinfohub.Com | 16 |
17 | Acmearticles.Com | 27 |
18 | Acme-Articles.Com | 13 |
19 | Activearticles.Com | 9 |
20 | Actuafreearticles.Com | 31 |
21 | Adarticles.Net | 15 |
23 | Add-Articles.Com | 14 |
24 | Addmyarticles.Com | 39 |
25 | Adsansar.Com | 7 |
26 | Advisorarticles.Com | 25 |
27 | Advpr.Net | 19 |
28 | Afreearticle.Com | 37 |
29 | Afroarticles.Com | 1 |
30 | Airtract.Com | 54 |
31 | Alfacleaner.Com | 83 |
32 | Alistapart.Com | 15 |
33 | Allentrepreneurinfo.Com | 28 |
34 | Allfreelancework.Com | 28 |
35 | Alliedarticles.Com | 9 |
36 | Allinclusivelinks.Com | 2 |
37 | Allmerchants.Com | 20 |
38 | Allthewebsites.Org | 36 |
40 | Alltop.Com | 69 |
41 | Allwomencentral.Com | 19 |
42 | Altegen.Com | 21 |
43 | Alumbo.Com | 25 |
44 | Amazines.Com | 49 |
45 | Amazonsale.In | 56 |
46 | Americanarticle.Org/ | 21 |
47 | Aniarticles.Com | 12 |
48 | Approvedarticles.Com | 28 |
49 | Appzworld.Org | 59 |
50 | Apsense.Com | 71 |
51 | Aquila-Style.Com | 51 |
52 | Arberbiotech.Com | 53 |
53 | Archivex-Ht.Com | 19 |
54 | Area19delegate.Org | 36 |
55 | Arshman.Net | 15 |
56 | Article.Abc-Directory.Com | 38 |
57 | Article.Org.In/ | 37 |
58 | Article.Rugsofworld.Com | 8 |
59 | Article1.Co.Uk | 33 |
60 | Article99.Com | 21 |
61 | Articleabode.Com | 25 |
62 | Articlealley.Com | 55 |
63 | Articleant.Com | 38 |
64 | Articleavenue.Com | 18 |
65 | Articlebar.Com | 18 |
66 | Articlebase.Info | 10 |
67 | Articlebeach.Com | 29 |
68 | Articlebin.Com | 22 |
69 | Articlebiz.Com | 42 |
70 | Articleblast.Com | 39 |
71 | Articleblender.Com | 15 |
72 | Articlebliss.Com | 37 |
73 | Articleblock.Com | 25 |
74 | Article-Book.Com | 15 |
75 | Articlebookmarker.Com | 27 |
76 | Article-Buzz.Com | 21 |
77 | Articlecatalog.Com | 20 |
78 | Articlecede.Com | 20 |
79 | Articlecell.Com | 30 |
80 | Articlecentral.Com | 20 |
81 | Articlecircle.Com | 22 |
82 | Articlecity.Com | 42 |
83 | Articleclick.Com | 39 |
84 | Articleclick.Info | 22 |
85 | Articleclone.Com | 9 |
86 | Articlecompilation.Com | 27 |
87 | Articlecontentking.Com | 15 |
88 | Article-Content-King.Com | 24 |
89 | Articlecopy.Com | 9 |
90 | Articlecounty.Com | 25 |
91 | Articlecube.Com | 47 |
92 | Articledashboard.Com | 52 |
93 | Articledesk.Info | 15 |
94 | Article-Diary.Com | 16 |
95 | Article-Directory.Net | 16 |
96 | Articledirectoryid.Com | 21 |
97 | Articledirectoryproject.Com | 25 |
98 | Articledirectoryzone.Com | 34 |
99 | Articledoctor.Com | 18 |
100 | Article-Domain.Com | 8 |
101 | Articlefair.Com | 15 |
102 | Articlefeeder.Com | 28 |
103 | Articlefever.Com | 17 |
104 | Articlefinders.Com | 22 |
105 | Articlefree4all.Com | 22 |
106 | Articlefrenzy.Com | 11 |
107 | Articlegarden.Com | 32 |
108 | Articlegeek.Com | 33 |
109 | Articlegift.Com | 17 |
110 | Articlegods.Com | 17 |
111 | Articlegold.Com | 19 |
112 | Article-Hangout.Com | 21 |
113 | Articlehomes.Com | 13 |
114 | Articlehub.Com | 22 |
115 | Articleify.Com | 71 |
116 | Articleinquiry.Com | 14 |
117 | Articleintelligence.Com | 24 |
118 | Articleinterchange.Com | 12 |
119 | Articlejoe.Com | 19 |
120 | Articlekit.Com | 10 |
121 | Articlelocker.Com | 16 |
122 | Articlelove.Com | 11 |
123 | Articlemaniac.Com | 22 |
124 | Article-Marketer.Com | 8 |
125 | Articlematrix.Com | 10 |
126 | Articlemonkeys.Com | 33 |
127 | Articlenetworks.Com | 10 |
128 | Articlenews.Us | 8 |
129 | Articlenexus.Com | 22 |
130 | Articleobsession.Com | 10 |
131 | Articleonlinedirectory.Com | 31 |
132 | Articlepeak.Com | 20 |
133 | Articlepoint.Com | 14 |
134 | Articlepole.Com | 37 |
135 | Articlepool.Info | 20 |
136 | Articlepros.Com | 27 |
137 | Articler.Com | 26 |
138 | Articlerealm.Com | 12 |
139 | Article-Realm.Com | 31 |
140 | Articlerich.Com | 40 |
141 | Articlerockstars.Com | 25 |
142 | Articleroof.Com | 5 |
143 | Articles.Abilogic.Com | 55 |
144 | Articles.Com.My | 9 |
145 | Articles.Gappoo.Com | 33 |
146 | Articles.Howto-Tips.Com | 38 |
147 | Articles.Jainkathalok.Com | 25 |
148 | Articles.Kraftloft.Com | 33 |
149 | Articles.Mastercraftindia.Com | 28 |
150 | Articles.Mybikaner.Com | 27 |
151 | Articles.Org | 43 |
152 | Articles.Powerphpscripts.Com | 9 |
153 | Articles.Seoforums.Me.Uk | 35 |
154 | Articles.Seoforums.Me.Uk/ | 37 |
155 | Articles.Studio9xb.Com | 26 |
156 | Articles411.Com | 14 |
157 | Articlesandauthors.Com | 77 |
158 | Articlesbase.Com | 30 |
159 | Articlesbd.Com | 17 |
160 | Articlesbeyondbetter.Com | 10 |
161 | Articlesbridge.Com | 44 |
162 | Articlescad.Com | 10 |
163 | Articles-Central.Info | 10 |
164 | Articlesdir.Org | 70 |
165 | Articlesearchnet.Com | 15 |
166 | Articleseen.Com | 29 |
167 | Articlesengine.Com | 22 |
168 | Articleset.Com | 29 |
169 | Articlesexpress.Com | 16 |
170 | Articlesfactory.Com | 56 |
171 | Articlesforwebsite.Com | 35 |
172 | Articleshaven.Com | 18 |
173 | Articleshow.Com | 9 |
174 | Articles-Hub.Com | 21 |
175 | Articleside.Com | 16 |
176 | Articlesjust4you.Com | 23 |
177 | Articleslash.Net | 38 |
179 | Articleslist.Net | 18 |
180 | Articlesmagazine.Com | 27 |
181 | Articlesmaker.Com | 53 |
182 | Articlesnatch.Com | 35 |
183 | Articlespromoter.Com | 23 |
184 | Articlesss.Com | 37 |
185 | Articlessubmissionservice.Com | 25 |
186 | Articlestars.Com | 33 |
187 | Articlestwo.Appspot.Com | 33 |
188 | Articlesubmited.Com | 59 |
189 | Articlesupport.Com | 15 |
190 | Articleswale.Com | 8 |
191 | Articleswarm.Com | 6 |
192 | Articleswrap.Com | 27 |
193 | Articlet.Com | 22 |
194 | Articleted.Com | 42 |
195 | Articletrader.Com | 30 |
196 | Articletrunk.Com | 27 |
197 | Articleuploads.Com | 28 |
198 | Articleusa.Com | 36 |
199 | Articlewale.Com | 6 |
200 | Articleweb55.Com | 32 |
201 | Articlewebgeek.Com | 19 |
202 | Articlewipe.Com | 23 |
203 | Articlexpress.Co.Uk | 39 |
204 | Articleyard.Com | 14 |
205 | Articlicious.Com | 27 |
206 | Articlization.Com | 33 |
207 | Artikel-Presse.De | 37 |
208 | Asdphone.Com | 28 |
209 | Atoallinks.Com | 46 |
210 | Augmentin3.Us | 69 |
211 | Aussieamiga.Com | 51 |
212 | Awaysomearticle.Com | 59 |
213 | Awebcity.Com | 31 |
214 | Bebee.Com | 61 |
215 | Behance.Net | 92 |
216 | Beqbe.Com | 54 |
217 | Bestezines.Com | 30 |
218 | Bharatbhasha.Com | 34 |
219 | Bigarticles.Com | 17 |
220 | Biggerpockets.Com | 81 |
221 | Bilalarticles.Com | 59 |
222 | Bingarticles.Info | 41 |
223 | Biotecharticles.Com | 41 |
224 | Blog.Ratebe.Com.Au | 28 |
225 | Blog.Storymirror.Com | 42 |
226 | Blogarama.Com | 59 |
227 | Blogcoli.Com | 20 |
228 | Blogger.Com | 83 |
229 | Bloggerent.Com | 16 |
230 | Bloggersinsights.Com | 10 |
231 | Bloggerwlogger.Com | 17 |
232 | Bloghub.Com.Au | 20 |
233 | Bloglovin.Com | 93 |
234 | Blogoval.Com | 15 |
235 | Blogulr.Com | 26 |
236 | Bookmarking.Info | 19 |
237 | Boredpanda.Com | 91 |
238 | Bpubs.Com | 33 |
239 | Bresdel.Com | 36 |
240 | Brighthub.Com | 73 |
241 | Bubblews.Com | 63 |
242 | Bukisa.Com | 56 |
243 | Bumppy.Com | 36 |
244 | Businessseek.Biz | 33 |
245 | Butterflylabs.Com | 68 |
246 | Buzzfeed.Com | 93 |
247 | Buzzle.Com | 78 |
248 | Bysharing.Com | 23 |
249 | Calloutloud.Com | 55 |
250 | Centyfy.Com | 15 |
251 | Chartattack.Com | 71 |
252 | Clapdeals.In | 5 |
253 | Clashclanscheats.Com | 33 |
254 | Click4r.Com | 54 |
255 | Club.Cnews.Ru | 80 |
256 | Community.Buzrush.Com | 54 |
257 | Constant-Content.Com | 50 |
258 | Contentarticles.Com | 16 |
259 | Content-Articles.Com | 24 |
260 | Contentcreativity.Com | 20 |
261 | Cookinginstilettos.Com | 46 |
262 | Coschedule.Com | 72 |
263 | Coversresource.Com | 29 |
264 | Creativebloggerworld.Com | 17 |
265 | Cremensugar.Com | 57 |
266 | Crweworld.Com | 46 |
267 | Dailyarticlenews.Com | 12 |
268 | Dailygram.Com | 52 |
269 | Datafloq.Com | 57 |
270 | Datasoftsystem.Com | 18 |
271 | Deadlinenews.Co.Uk/ | 75 |
272 | Debwan.Com | 44 |
273 | Designlike.Com | 51 |
274 | Dev.To | 81 |
275 | Devdojo.Com | 43 |
276 | Digitalmarketinghints.Com | 14 |
277 | Dime-Co.Com | 26 |
278 | Djrovin.Com | 24 |
279 | Dreampirates.Us | 61 |
280 | Dzone.Com | 83 |
281 | Earticlesonline.Com | 38 |
282 | Easyarticles.Com | 26 |
283 | Easy-Articles.Com | 19 |
284 | Ebaumsworld.Com | 89 |
285 | Edarticle.Com | 28 |
286 | Edublogs.Org/ | 82 |
287 | Ehow.Com | 91 |
288 | Elesawypastries.Com | 29 |
289 | Emailuniverse.Com | 51 |
290 | Empiremovies.Com | 48 |
291 | Emuarticles.Com | 67 |
292 | En.Paperblog.Com | 84 |
293 | Etc-Expo.Com | 54 |
294 | E-Topic.Com | 14 |
295 | Eudaimedia.Com | 67 |
296 | Evancarmichael.Com | 61 |
297 | Evernote.Com | 92 |
298 | Examiner.Com | 87 |
299 | Excelebiz.In | 62 |
300 | Excellentguide.Info | 27 |
301 | Ex-Designz.Net | 44 |
302 | Expertarticles.Com | 19 |
303 | Express-Press-Release.Net | 44 |
304 | Ezarticlesdb.Com | 34 |
305 | Ezinearticles.Com | 86 |
306 | Ezinearticles.Org.Uk | 20 |
307 | Ezine-Articles-Planet.Com | 19 |
308 | Ezinehub.Com | 19 |
309 | Ezinemark.Com | 82 |
310 | Ezinepost.Com | 17 |
311 | Ezunearticles.Com | 32 |
312 | Facearticle.Com | 22 |
313 | Fashionztrend.Com | 19 |
314 | Feedsfloor.Com | 47 |
315 | Fillyourarticles.Com | 22 |
316 | Finaca.Com | 33 |
317 | Findnerd.Com | 44 |
318 | Flurl.Com | 49 |
319 | Fmtoq.Com | 35 |
320 | Fnetchat.Com | 35 |
321 | Fonolive.Com | 43 |
322 | Fooyoh.Com | 61 |
323 | Foreignpolicyi.Org | 71 |
324 | Foreverdoomed.Com | 59 |
325 | Formulasantander.Com | 44 |
326 | Fortunetelleroracle.Com | 41 |
327 | Freearticleposting.Com | 8 |
328 | Freearticlestore.Com | 13 |
329 | Freeartico.Com | 10 |
330 | Freesticky.Com | 28 |
331 | Friendbookmark.Com | 16 |
332 | Furnitureproduct.Net/ | 14 |
333 | Gab.Com | 79 |
334 | Galoor.Com | 18 |
335 | Ganzok.Com | 7 |
336 | Gardenlocked.Com | 26 |
337 | Gather.Com | 69 |
338 | Geeksarticle.Com | 25 |
339 | Ghost.Org/ | 86 |
340 | Ghrankdirectory.Com | 8 |
341 | Girlvocals.Com | 8 |
342 | Github.Com | 96 |
343 | Globalarticlefinder.Com | 27 |
344 | Global-Gathering.Com | 34 |
345 | Go2article.Com | 37 |
346 | Goarticlecity.Com | 29 |
347 | Goarticles.Com | 60 |
348 | Goarticles.Info | 16 |
349 | Goodinfohome.Com | 29 |
350 | Gopoco.Us | 31 |
351 | Gossipgirldaily.Org | 14 |
352 | Goyourstory.Com | 6 |
353 | Greatarticles.Co.Uk | 21 |
354 | Groundofsuccess.Com | 15 |
355 | Gruks.Com | 30 |
356 | Guest-Articles.Com | 64 |
357 | Guestnode.Com | 26 |
358 | Guestsposting.Com | 11 |
359 | Gurgaonfemales.Com | 51 |
360 | Hackernoon.Com | 85 |
361 | Hangxom.Org | 9 |
362 | Hashnode.Com | 56 |
363 | Helium.Com | 73 |
364 | Helpsfortech.Com | 54 |
365 | Herbaltricks.Com | 25 |
366 | Hi.Letsdiskuss.Com | 66 |
367 | Highlightstory.Com | 40 |
368 | Highrankdirectory.Com | 28 |
369 | Homebiztools.Com | 37 |
370 | Home-Business-Source.Com | 7 |
371 | Homment.Com | 42 |
372 | Hookyoup.Com | 29 |
373 | Hotmedia.Site | 34 |
374 | Howitworks.Net | 22 |
375 | Howtoadvice.Com | 38 |
376 | Howto-Tips.Com | 38 |
377 | Hrhelpboard.Com | 34 |
378 | Hubfirms.Com | 15 |
379 | Hubpages.Com | 91 |
380 | Hubpages.Info | 14 |
381 | Hubpots.Com | 53 |
382 | Humorstar.Info/ | 16 |
383 | Icanbecreative.Com | 50 |
384 | Idleexperts.Com | 34 |
385 | Imagup.Com | 69 |
386 | Imprint.To | 27 |
387 | Inaltcoinswetrust.Com | 52 |
388 | Infobarrel.Com | 64 |
389 | Infoforeks.Com | 64 |
390 | Informationbible.Com | 25 |
391 | Insertarticles.Info | 28 |
392 | Instructables.Com | 93 |
393 | Iroot.World | 34 |
394 | Isnare.Com | 51 |
395 | Jazzylook.Com | 16 |
396 | Jcount.Com | 42 |
397 | Jiyaroy.Com | 53 |
398 | Joyrulez.Com | 34 |
399 | Jumparticles.Com | 7 |
400 | Justpaste.It | 89 |
401 | Kamgcoffee.Net/ | 32 |
402 | Kinja.Com | 91 |
403 | Klusster.Com | 47 |
404 | Knowpia.Com | 41 |
405 | Kunst-Studio.Com | 11 |
406 | Ladypens.Com | 21 |
407 | Largearticle.Com | 24 |
408 | Launchora.Com | 51 |
409 | Learnloftblog.Com | 68 |
410 | Learnnpublish.Com | 60 |
411 | Leasedadspace.Com | 45 |
412 | Letsbefamous.Com | 23 |
413 | Letsdiskuss.Com | 66 |
414 | Libervis.Com | 37 |
415 | Lifehacks101.Com | 10 |
416 | Likekaba.Com | 30 |
417 | Linkcompose.Com | 6 |
418 | Linkedin.Com | 99 |
419 | Linkworld.Us | 70 |
420 | Livejournal.Com | 61 |
421 | Loudpages.Com | 12 |
422 | Magportal.Com | 38 |
423 | Manchesterprofessionals.Co.Uk | 30 |
424 | Marketinginternetdirectory.Com | 29 |
425 | Marketingprofs.Com | 79 |
426 | Marketmyarticle.Com | 11 |
427 | Mazines.Com | 9 |
428 | Medium.Com | 95 |
429 | Merchantcircle.Com | 75 |
430 | Migramatters.Com | 30 |
431 | Moniispace.Com | 22 |
432 | Moodydose.Com | 18 |
433 | Morioh.Com | 48 |
434 | Motivando.Net/ | 20 |
435 | Movieclose.Com | 36 |
436 | Myarticle.Com | 14 |
437 | Mymedicenter.Com | 9 |
438 | Myseoarticle.Com | 12 |
439 | Mytechlogy.Com | 41 |
440 | Mytrendingstories.Com | 76 |
441 | Myventurepad.Com | 47 |
442 | Nbcnews.Com | 93 |
443 | Nehoiu.Org | 14 |
444 | Neighborgoods.Net/ | 54 |
445 | Netarticleshack.Com | 76 |
446 | Netezinearticles.Com | 8 |
447 | New-List.Com | 22 |
448 | Newslover.In | 18 |
449 | Newsnblogs.Com | 56 |
450 | Newsvine.Com | 36 |
451 | Nookl.Com | 41 |
452 | Note.Com | 91 |
453 | Nowarticles.Com | 16 |
454 | Nowtodaytrending.Com | 28 |
455 | Olmaweblinkdirectory.Com | 16 |
456 | Onfeetnation.Com | 51 |
457 | Onlinearticlessubmission.Com | 10 |
458 | Onmogul.Com | 75 |
459 | Ontoplist.Com | 43 |
460 | Openarticles.Com | 27 |
461 | Openarticlesubmission.Com | 21 |
462 | Opptrends.Com | 76 |
463 | Otherarticles.Com | 23 |
464 | Ourblogpost.Com | 55 |
465 | Palscity.Com | 26 |
466 | Pastelink.Net | 57 |
467 | Phenomenalarticles.Com | 31 |
468 | Playbuzz.Com | 90 |
469 | Pmcaonline.Org | 59 |
470 | Pope2you.Net | 61 |
471 | Populararticles.Com | 21 |
472 | Popularticles.Com | 26 |
473 | Postarticles.Com | 15 |
474 | Postbuck.Com | 62 |
475 | Posteezy.Com | 39 |
476 | Powerhomebiz.Com | 50 |
477 | Pr3-Articles.Com | 33 |
478 | Pr4-Articles.Com | 36 |
479 | Pr5-Articles.Com | 26 |
480 | Pr6-Articles.Com | 20 |
481 | Pr7-Articles.Com | 20 |
482 | Prejon.Com | 12 |
483 | Presszoom.Com | 42 |
484 | Prleap.Com | 56 |
485 | Professionalsuk.Co.Uk | 17 |
486 | Profzilla.Com | 16 |
487 | Prolinkdirectory.Com | 32 |
488 | Promotionworld.Com | 45 |
489 | Qiita.Com | 85 |
490 | Quora.Com | 93 |
491 | Qwesz.Com | 22 |
492 | Rainbowarticles.Com | 21 |
493 | Readezarchive.Com | 17 |
494 | Realestatearticles4u.Com | 16 |
495 | Realestateproarticles.Com | 32 |
496 | Recruitingblogs.Com | 59 |
497 | Residencestyle.Com | 48 |
498 | Revenuesandprofits.Com | 61 |
499 | Rewardbloggers.Com | 38 |
500 | Rlrouse.Com | 41 |
501 | Robinspost.Com | 41 |
502 | Rollbol.Com | 35 |
503 | R-Tt.Com | 62 |
504 | Saching.Com | 28 |
505 | Scoop.It | 92 |
506 | Sdcouncil.Com | 14 |
507 | Searcharticles.Net | 27 |
508 | Seekarticles.Com | 38 |
509 | Seekingalpha.Com | 90 |
510 | Selfgrowth.Com | 61 |
511 | Self-Inspiration.Com | 32 |
512 | Selfseo.Com | 47 |
513 | Selfseo.Info | 17 |
514 | Selgomez-News.Com | 26 |
515 | Seoforums.Me.Uk | 35 |
516 | Seosubmitarticle.Com | 14 |
517 | Serviceprofessionalsnetwork.Com | 34 |
518 | Shapshare.Com | 34 |
519 | Sharehealthtips.Com | 11 |
520 | Sheil.Newsvine.Com | 6 |
521 | Shortkro.Com | 54 |
522 | Simplysearch4it.Com | 27 |
523 | Sitepromotiondirectory.Com | 27 |
524 | Sites.Google.Com | 97 |
525 | Smallbizarticles.Com | 16 |
526 | Smarticledirectory.Com | 13 |
527 | Smartmoneymatch.Com | 32 |
528 | Socialwider.Com | 38 |
529 | Softwarebattle.Com | 29 |
530 | Sooperarticles.Com | 54 |
531 | Souzacampos.Net | 47 |
532 | Sphere.Social | 45 |
533 | Squidoo.Com | 91 |
534 | Srmarticles.Com | 17 |
535 | Starsuntold.Com | 20 |
536 | Steemit.Com | 89 |
537 | Stillbonarticles.Com | 25 |
538 | Storeboard.Com | 60 |
539 | Storeboard.Comblogs | 1 |
540 | Storify.Com | 91 |
541 | Storybaaz.Com | 21 |
542 | Streetarticles.Com | 44 |
543 | Submitafreearticle.Com | 25 |
544 | Submitanarticle.Info | 20 |
545 | Submitmyarticle.In | 7 |
546 | Submityourarticle.Com | 45 |
547 | Suite101.Com | 79 |
548 | Sweetcaptcha.Com | 38 |
549 | Sxyydm.Com | 15 |
550 | Tagworld.Com | 50 |
551 | Tananet.Net | 52 |
552 | Techmanik.Com | 32 |
553 | Techpuzz.Com | 44 |
554 | Techsite.Io | 51 |
555 | Tekhspy.Com | 21 |
556 | Telegra.Ph | 90 |
557 | Teletype.In | 58 |
558 | Textiledegree.Com | 12 |
559 | Thearticlesdirectory.Co.Uk | 30 |
560 | Theblogarena.Com | 22 |
561 | Thecontentcorner.Com | 21 |
562 | Thefreelibrary.Com | 78 |
563 | Thefreelibrary.Info | 15 |
564 | Thefrisky.Com | 83 |
565 | Thefunmedia.Com | 26 |
566 | Thehealthyvillage.Com | 11 |
567 | Thelistfolio.Com | 10 |
568 | Themanager.Org | 42 |
569 | Theomnibuzz.Com | 56 |
570 | Theonlinearticleplace.Com | 35 |
571 | Thepr.Com.Au | 20 |
572 | Thetexasjobsource.Com | 9 |
573 | Thewhir.Com | 59 |
574 | Thewhir.Info | 21 |
575 | Thewowstyle.Com | 46 |
576 | Thewyco.Com | 62 |
577 | Threadwatch.Org | 42 |
578 | Tlists.Com | 35 |
579 | Tongshu.Net | 18 |
580 | Top7business.Com | 37 |
581 | Toparticlesubmissionsites.Com | 38 |
582 | Topsitenet.Com | 46 |
583 | Tradove.Com | 40 |
584 | Trans4mind.Com | 56 |
585 | Traveltourismdirectory.Net | 27 |
586 | Trendyread.Com | 56 |
587 | Trendzzzone.Com | 57 |
588 | Trickyenough.Com | 38 |
589 | Triond.Com | 47 |
590 | Truxgo.Net/Blogs | 44 |
591 | Tumblr.Com | 77 |
592 | Tutorcity.Sg/ | 45 |
593 | Uberant.Com | 53 |
594 | Uberarticles.Com | 34 |
595 | Ukinternetdirectory.Net | 27 |
596 | Umumble.Com | 28 |
597 | Unitymix.Com | 40 |
598 | Unswap.Com | 33 |
599 | Uploadarticle.Com | 57 |
600 | Upstartblogger.Com | 35 |
601 | Upublish.Info | 35 |
602 | Usalistingdirectory.Com | 28 |
603 | Usewho.Com | 19 |
604 | Vaccinetours.Com | 57 |
605 | Velog.Io | 41 |
606 | Vermontrepublic.Org | 46 |
607 | Vevioz.Com | 38 |
608 | Vibrantbuzz.Com | 35 |
609 | Vingle.Net | 71 |
610 | Vocal.Media | 65 |
611 | Voticle.Com | 38 |
612 | Wall2wallarticles.Com | 12 |
613 | Warticles.Com | 15 |
614 | Wattpad.Com | 92 |
615 | Webarticleservices.Com | 35 |
616 | Webcontent.Com | 22 |
617 | Webhitlist.Com | 40 |
618 | Webmasterslibrary.Com | 20 |
619 | Webnewswire.Com | 45 |
620 | Webpronews.Com | 83 |
621 | Webproworld.Com | 42 |
622 | Webringideas.Com | 14 |
623 | Web-Source.Net | 43 |
624 | Webwire.Com | 67 |
625 | Webzworks.Com | 53 |
626 | Weeno.Com | 28 |
627 | Weirdworm.Com | 69 |
628 | Wellnessarticlelibrary.Com | 11 |
629 | Wellnessarticles4u.Com | 16 |
630 | Weshare.Hk | 41 |
631 | Whazzup-U.Com | 45 |
632 | Whiteoutpress.Com | 50 |
633 | Wikiblog.Com.Au | 19 |
634 | Wikileaks.Info/ | 58 |
635 | Womenstomsols.Us/ | 28 |
636 | WordPress.Com | 95 |
637 | Work911.Com | 47 |
638 | Worldranklist.Com | 33 |
639 | Worldwidetopsite.Link | 63 |
640 | Write.As | 67 |
641 | Writeonwall.Com | 59 |
642 | Writerscafe.Org | 55 |
643 | Writerspenarticledirectory.Com | 13 |
644 | Writeupcafe.Com | 62 |
645 | Ww.Articlesreader.Com | 29 |
646 | Yarabook.Com | 51 |
647 | Yesarticles.Com | 21 |
648 | Yooarticles.Net | 34 |
649 | Youmobs.Com | 53 |
650 | Yourarticles.Co.Uk | 24 |
651 | Yourstory.Com | 87 |
652 | Yourviews.Mindstick.Com | 45 |
653 | Youthkiawaaz.Com | 62 |
654 | Zeenews.Tech | 3 |
655 | Zigyasu.Com | 18 |
656 | Zimbio.Com | 90 |
657 | Zootoo.Com | 47 |
How to find the article submission sites list easily?
We have mentioned the 650+ article submission sites list for you to publish your articles. If you are looking for more sites then you can find them on search engines like Google by using the below search query operators or search engine queries. You can simply replace your keyword and search in Google, Bing, or any other search engine.
For Top 10 Article Submission Websites:
Keyword + “top 10”
Keyword + “best 10”
Keyword + “intitle:top 10”
keyword + intitle:”top 10”
keyword + allinurl:”top 10”
For Article Submission Listing Sites:
“List”+ keyword + “Sites”
Keyword + “list”
Keyword + “listing sites”
Keyword + “intitle:list”
keyword + intitle:”list”
Keyword + “Add Site/Add URL/Add List/Add Post/Add Business/Add Article”
Keyword + “Submit Site/Submit URL/Submit List/Submit Post/Submit Business/Submit Article”
Keyword + intitle:” Site/Add URL/Add List/Add Post/Add Business/Add Article”
Keyword + intitle:” Submit Site/Submit URL/Submit List/Submit Post/Submit Business/Submit Article”
Keyword + allinurl:” Site/Add URL/Add List/Add Post/Add Business/Add Article”
Keyword + allinurl:”Submit Site/Submit URL/Submit List/Submit Post/Submit Business/Submit Article”
Examples to Search for Article Submission Sites List:

- Article Submission Sites + “top 10”
- ArticleSubmission Websites + “best 10”
- Article Submission Sites + “intitle:top 10”
- Article Submission Sites + allinurl:”top 10”
- “List”+ Article Submission + “Sites”
- Article Submission + “list”
- Article Submission + “listing sites”
- Article Submission + “intitle:list”
- Article Submission + intitle:”list”
- allintitle:” Article Submission Sites List”
- intitle:” Article Submission Websites”
- allinurl:” Article Submission Sites List in 2022”
What are Dofollow and Nofollow Links in Article Submission sites?
Before getting your content published on any article submission website, you have to understand whether they provide a do-follow backlink or no-follow backlink.
As an SEO professional or digital marketer, you must know the difference between these two. These two types of backlinks can never be interchangeable with each other.
When an article submission website provides you with a backlink on your published guest post, they will either provide a do-follow link or a no-follow link.
If you get a do-follow link on your content, it directly impacts your overall website visibility and traffic. When you receive more do-follow backlinks, you get to increase your website’s DA/ DR plus overall traffic.
Unless otherwise stated, all article submission sites usually provide you with a do-follow backlink.
However, some websites offer a no-follow link. It means you can’t get any SEO-related help in pagerank. But it helps to get the organic traffic.
Also Read: How to Perform Basic SEO
People Also Asked Questions on Article Submission Websites
Is article Submission good for Organic rankings?
What is SEO Off-Page Optimization?
How article submission is important in SEO Off-Page?
Why are DA and PA important in SEO?
The same goes with PA. But PA relates to web pages only. If your PA is high, your web pages will perform better.
How do I find the spam websites?
Is Duplicate content helpful in SEO?
Is duplicate content Bad for article submission?
What is spinning in article writing?
Is Article Spinner legal?
What is the average article submission length?
Article submission in SEO plays an important role. Every brand needs to strategize its content marketing goals appropriately to enhance its SERP ranking on Google and other search engines.
The idea is to get your content published on various free article publishing sites with backlinks to your website or websites. Make sure that these articles should be strictly based on their site’s niches and themes.
All information mentioned in the article is for educational purposes only. You must use your own resources and conduct thorough research before submitting any content on a guest posting site.
Though we make sure that all information is up to date and correct, we don’t guarantee the expected benefits and help from article submission sites. We can’t be held liable for business or data loss arising after submitting your content to guest posting sites.
Any such action is strictly based on your decision only. Read the author guidelines and terms and conditions of respective article submission sites carefully before making any decision.
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