Brain commands the entire human body. Different areas of the brain are responsible for different abilities, like movement, language and emotion, and develop at different rates. The early childhood days present the best opportunity for children to develop important brain connections that breeds healthy, capable, and successful adults. With almost one million new neural connections (synapses) being developed during these years, preschool activities for brain boost kid’s brain power. Ultimately, it creates a lasting impact on the quality of life or ability to succeed in every aspect of life.
Both parents and teachers play an important role in a child’s brain development. There are plenty of activities that a child can engage in at home or at preschool.
Best 10 Tips to Boosting Kid’s Brain Power
1. Concentration games
Parents can play games which increase kid’s concentration power in the house. This includes games requiring children to name the objects around them, questioning them on such objects to reinforce their retrievable memories.
Children must also be introduced to daily Sudoku puzzle printed on the newspaper along with the crossword puzzle for children. A few of the kids playschool in Ahmedabad recommends teaching children to solve Sudoku puzzles as a part of brain exercises in the classroom.
There other games like Chess/Checkers and Dominoes that help children to think in a logical manner and boosting their brains naturally. As mentioned above, many other power boosting games like Uno, Lego blockers, bingo etc. can also be introduced to children during their early age.
2. Reading books
Reading can dramatically enhancethe intellectual performance of a kid. It improves attention span, builds vocabulary, and enhance memory. This aids children in articulating thoughts and imagination in their own words. Also, reading activity is the best way for children to unwind themselves after a full day at school, play and other recreational activities.
3. Learning new language
Language is responsible for developing the right and left side of the brain. This means they blend in rationality and coherence to their communication.
It also helps them to think more creatively and bring in their own ideas and perspective to solve problems on their own. Learning multiple languages in early life has a greater overall cognitive effect than learning a single one. Learning new language strengthens children’s memory for sequences and their ability to concentrate and building connections.
4. Playing Sports/Encouraging Exercise
Exercise or physical activity boosts blood flow to the brain which enhances clarity, concentration, thinking speed, focus, creativity, mental and emotional energy, and problem-solving skills! While playing new sports game kid try to win it or try to give his best which ultimately increase his critical thinking and concentration along with decision making power.
5. Participating in Quiz Competition
Quiz help children to develop their thinking, all while keeping them entertained and their minds stimulated. Playing memory games or quiz with kids not only sharpens their memory but also builds confidence in them.
6. Enrolling in Brain Empowerment Classes
Brain empowerment classes mainly work on brain development engaging kids in activities which help them to improve brain power and use of both the side of brains. Holistic childhood development in playschool also plays a major role in this by providing that trains children’s brain for the cognitive understanding of the world imparted. Joining these classes will have children easily recognizing, understanding, and using senses that create truthful perception.

7. Attending Music Classes
Music is one of the best fun exercises for kids to accelerate brain power as it prepares their brain for processing sound, language development, speech perception and reading skills. Since music stimulates sensory organ (ears) it is a powerful way to elevate brain development in children.
8. Including Meditation
Introducing meditation at an early age to children will help them calm their mind and control negative emotions. Boosting brain during an early age create a sense of belonging and positivity to their surroundings.
There is a preschool in Ahmedabad that includes meditation techniques like deep breathing, channelized focus meditation and practicing compassion in daily activities.
This is how children learn to have control over their memory controlling their emotions. Practicing mindfulness is aimed at curbing thought wanderings amongst children which in turn improves academic performance.
9. Cultivating Right Eating Habits
William Sears, M.D quotes “The brain, above all other organs, is most affected by nutrition.” This is why eating and dietary habits amongst children play a major role in developing the brain and boosting its capacity, processing speed and the ability to pay attention. This means, nurturing sharper brains will require children to eat green leafy vegetables, Beets, Egg Yolks, Nuts, and even other supplements.
10. Leading a Positive Way of Life
Children need a positive outlook to life by getting sleep and following a routine that gives necessary rest their ever-inquisitive mind some break. Solving a puzzle, staying away from technology, and playing games that involve mental gymnastics will bend their mind towards positivity and a higher sense of self-esteem.
Parents and teachers should keep a close watch on how child progresses and use his brain while growing up. What the child learns and adapts at this age it will be shaping the future after getting into an elementary school and thereon. Following the above-mentioned tips will have children smarter, sharper and successful in life.
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