What Are HTTP Handlers? Explain its significance and all necessary points. What are the features and How to Create a Custom HTTP Handler?
Asked: January 23, 20222022-01-23T08:02:21+00:00
2022-01-23T08:02:21+00:00In: Technology, Website Development
What Are HTTP Handlers?
HTTP handlers are also called endpoints. They are especially used while sending a request to ASP .NET web applications. It is mostly used with the file extension of .aspx. Programmers can also develop their own HTTP handlers and execute the same.
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Features of HTTP Handlers
ASP.NET also has multiple built-in HTTP handlers like Web service handler (*.asmx), Generic Web handler (*.ashx), and others
How to Create a Custom HTTP Handler?
You need to create a class first that executes the IHttpHandler interface to get a customised HTTP Handler. It will be synchronous in nature.
You have to execute the both IsReusable property and the ProcessRequest method to get a workable HTTP Handler.
The handler has direct access to the application context, including accessing details about session info, user’s data, app stage, and much more.
An HTTP Handler can be both synchronous and asynchronous depending upon its purpose.
Synchronous HTTP handler does not return or stop until it terminates the finishing process of the HTTP request made. Contrarily, an asynchronous handler independently runs a process while imitating any request to a user.
Asynchronous handlers are significant for starting an application process, which is taking a lot of time. Using this handler, you can finish it anytime.